Our services

WildEyes Vision Clinic is much more than just eye tests and choosing frames. We’re here to ensure you enjoy the healthiest vision possible, and so that means identifying problems before they arise, assisting with issues when they develop, and pointing you in the direction of more specialist care when necessary.


Eye Examinations

our eye examinations are tailor made to suit every individual. During the examination we will not only check for any changes in your vision but also check for any changes in the health of your eyes.  Our thorough examinations typically last 45 minutes, allowing us to conduct a thorough and more advanced eye examination. We will always aim for you to see the same experiences Optometrist, thus building a long-term relationship. 


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Cataract referrals

Cataracts form when changes in the lens of the eye cause cloudy, blurry, or misty vision. This can happen gradually, so isn’t always obvious at first. We can monitor this aspect of your eye health and, when needed, ensure that you are referred to the correct specialist for treatment.


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Glaucoma screening

Our routine eye examinations allow us to monitor you for glaucoma. Glaucoma is a problem that affects the optic nerve and is associated with many risk factors such as family history of the disease, age, raised pressure in the eye, and higher levels of short sightedness.


Early detection is important to prevent visual impairment, so regular eye examinations are very important. We can assist with the diagnosis and the monitoring of the condition, to ensure you get the essential treatment required.


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Dry eye clinic

A common problem in the over 45s, dry eyes can be caused by a less than ideal tear film. It is the tear film that lubricates and protects the eye’s surface, so when this tear film is less than perfect problems occur. Many things can cause the complaint, from environmental factors to medications to hormonal imbalance.


Our dry eye clinic will help you get to the bottom of the irritation and help provide you with a solution to restore better eye health.


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Paediatric dispensing

Dispensing eyewear to children is subject to stricter legislation than adults. At WildEyes Vision Clinic we take this very seriously, so you can relax in the knowledge that your child is in good hands.


We’re trained and experienced in helping you find the ideal frame for your child. Your child may not always be able to communicate what is comfortable and fits well. Fortunately, we know what to look for, and how to guide you and your child to ensure they fit as they should, look good and are durable.


Each pair of glasses is customised to your child’s needs, including more specialist frames designed for babies and children with special requirements.


We can even help with contact lenses, with suitability assessed on an individual basis. Nisha, our optometrist, is a Myopia Control accredited practitioner. Myopia Control aims to slow down the progression of short-sightedness in children using specialist contact lenses. Use of these lenses can prevent their vision deteriorating by up to 58% and are very effective.


Book an appointment for your child today



Myopia management

By 2050 it is estimated that half the world’s population will have some form of myopia. In children myopia has doubled in the last 50 years. Because of this, managing myopia is becoming a growing need. We can assist you, and your child, in undertaking changes to your lifestyle that may make a difference to the deterioration of vision. Also, our optometrist, Nisha, is a Myopia Control practitioner, and can suggest ways your child can benefit from early internvention.


To discover more please go to our Myopia control page


Contact lenses

At WildEyes Vision Clinic we study your eye health, your prescription, and your needs, to advise which lenses are best suited to you. We can then supply lenses from all major brands including Acuvue and Cooper Vision and Alcon, as well as more specialist lenses. As an independent optician, we’re able to source from all suppliers.


We also offer myopia control contact lens treatment. This is a method used to slow down myopia or short-sightedness in children. The results show up to a 58% reduction of progression of myopia.


Many of our patients are surprised to learn our costs are comparable to online companies. However, unlike them, we will also provide the aftercare and service that you and your eyes deserve for optimum eye health and vision.


To find out more, please book an appointment
